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What is a VoIP codec?

What is a VoIP codec?

A codec (Coder/Decoder) converts analog signals to a digital bitstream, and another identical codec at the far end of the communication converts the digital bitstream back into an analog signal.

In the VoIP world, codec's are used to encode voice for transmission across IP networks.

Codec's for VoIP use are also referred to as vocoders, for "voice encoders".

Codecs generally provide a compression capability to save network bandwidth. Some codecs also support silence suppression, where silence is not encoded or transmitted.

CodecAlgorithmBit Rate (Kbps)Comments
ITU G.711PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)64G.711 with mu-law used in North America and Japan, while G.711 with A-law used in the rest of the world.
ITU G.722SBADPCM (Sub-Band Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation)48, 56 and 64
ITU G.723Multi-rate Coder5.3 and 6.4
ITU G.726ADPCM (Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation)16, 24, 32, and 40
ITU G.727Variable-Rate ADPCM16-40
ITU G.728LD-CELP (Low-Delay Code Excited Linear Prediction)16
ITU G.729CS-ACELP (Conjugate Structure Algebraic-Code Excited Linear Prediction)8
ILBCInternet Low Bitrate Codec13.33 and 15.20
SpeexCELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction)2.15-44.2Part of the GNU Project and available under the Xiph.org variant of the BSD license
GSM - Full RateRPE-LTP (Regular Pulse Excitation Long-Term Prediction)13
GSM - Enhanced Full RateACELP (Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction)12.2
GSM - Half RateCELP-VSELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction - Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction)11.4
DoD FS-1016CELP (Code Excited Linear Prediction)4.8


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